
When navigating through space, we must maintain a representation of our position in real time; when recalling a past episode, a memory can come back in a flash. Interestingly, the brain's spatial representation system, including the hippocampus, supports these two distinct timescale functions. How are neural representations of space used in the service of both real-world navigation and internal mnemonic processes? Recent progress has identified sequences of hippocampal place cells, evolving at multiple timescales in accordance with either navigational behaviors or internal oscillations, that underlie these functions. We review experimental findings on experience-dependent modulation of these sequential representations and consider how they link real-world navigation to time-compressed memories. We further discuss recent work suggesting the prevalence of these sequences beyond hippocampus and propose that these multiple-timescale mechanisms may represent a general algorithm for organizing cell assemblies, potentially unifying the dual roles of the spatial representation system in memory and navigation.


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